Case Study: WGE - All Purpose Servo Winder

Electric Motor in-slot coil winding specialists team-up with Allied Automation to utilize iQ-F multi-axis synchronization for rapid changeover developmental machine increasing customer productivity and economic advantage.

"Allied Automation was helpful throughout the whole process."
      - Taylor Stanley, WGE Controls Engineer
The Challenge:
WGE, in-slot coil winding specialists, were approached with the challenge of creating a rapid changeover machine that could facilitate a wide variety of manufactured products in a single machine. The demands on the customer required faster production and an increase in variability.
The Solution:
To achieve this, the Mitsubishi iQ-F's synchronized motion feature was utilized to conjoin three independent servos into coordinated motion.
The oscillation axis, which moves the gun head side to side, the large, vertical axis which moves the servo up and down through the stator and the needle, which moves forward and back developing the coil winding.
"They [Allied Automation] helped us spec-out drives and motors, as well as helping come up with the coordinated motions, camming of the axes, so that we could develop this winding."
- Taylor Stanley, WGE Controls Engineer
The Result:
Through a simple program selection, the customers' users are now able to switch easily between different size stators of differing designs.
This newfound production speed and product variability has increased the customers value and throughput like never before.
"They worked with us throughout the whole process so that we could basically work with our customer
to come up with a solution that worked for both of us, that was also economical
for everyone involved."
- Taylor Stanley, WGE Controls Engineer