Festo: Individual Valves for Your Automation Tasks

Valves are like the executive body in the control process. They largely determine the dynamic response and at the same time have to be able to withstand a high dynamic response themselves. That’s why valves need to be sturdy, durable and reliable. Festo has always been committed to a high standard of quality and supplies valves with up to 100 million switching cycles worldwide.


With Festo you’ll find directional control valves, proportional valves, safety valves, standards-based valves, fast-switching valves, media valves and process valves, actuated either electrically, pneumatically, mechanically or manually. These valves are used in all industry segments, from the food and packaging industry to the automotive, electronics, wood and textile industry, to process automation.

Call us at 800-214-0322 for more information on our Festo valves.