Quick Tip: Online Sizing Tool for Pneumatic Systems

The Pneumatic Sizing Tool from Festo provides a quick simple way for a designer to select the components for a system.

By inputting application parameters (mass, stroke, and position timing), you can get recommendations for cylinders, valves, and accessories for your application. The recommendation will include exact, economic, and performance variants.

Other application considerations include;

  • Cylinder orientation (assembly position)
  • Direction of movement (extend, retract)
  • Operating Pressure (4, 6, or 8 bar)
  • Tube length from valve to cylinder
  • Cushioning type (flexible, self-adjusting, and adjustable)

Each result variant (exact, eco, and performance) will include cylinder, valve, control cable for valve, flow controls, fittings, silencers, and tubing recommendations.

Link to Festo’s Online Pneumatic Sizing Tool
