VG10 Vacuum Gripper by OnRobot: Flexible and Adaptable

The VG10 vacuum gripper is an End-of-Arm Tooling specially designed for collaborative robot applications. The flexible arms and adjustable vacuum enable the VG10 to handle a variety of objects in many different sizes.
Seamless integration with Universal Robots and support of generic robot interfaces make the VG10 ideal for all types of robots.
The gripper comes with dual grip functionality, tool changer and a variety of typical vacuum cups.
The VG10 vacuum gripper is a truly Plug & Produce solution. It works straight out of the box and into your production line in less than 30 minutes.
- No external air supply
- No external cables
- Dual grip with two individual vacuum channels
- Flexible adjustment of suction cup arms
- Vacuum sensors feedback
- Configurable suction cups