E700 to E800: Upgrade now

The Mitsubishi FR-E700 is going away, but don't worry migration is easy and the new FR-E800 is better.
VFDs are essential industrial manufacturing components and advances in energy efficiency, manufacturing cost reduction and functionality drive us to new models, overtaking their predecessors - to our advantage.
Mitsubishi has upgraded the core VFD from the FR-E700 to the FR-E800 series and it's time to make the switch.
Designed to save energy and minimize cost, the FR-E800 brings together advances in quality, performance, and predictive maintenance capabilities in one inverter.
Notable Features
⦁ Built-in PLC function
⦁ Various Ethernet protocols
⦁ RS-485 and “dual-port” Ethernet protocol models.
⦁ Compact design
⦁ Dual overload rating
⦁ Ability to auto-tune to IM & PM motors.
⦁ Inverter-to-inverter linking
⦁ Extended environmental rating
⦁ Alert system
⦁ Life diagnostics function
Information for Replacement of FR-E700 Series with FR-E800 Series (Size, connection, parameters, options concerning replacement.)
FR-E800 Instruction Manual (Function)